At 9:02 A.M. on April 19, 1995, in the largest terrorist act ever
perpetrated on American soil, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office
Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed by the explosion of a
homemade truck bomb. One hundred and sixty-eight people --
including nineteen children -- were killed by the blast, and more
than five hundred others were injured. Timothy J. McVeigh, an
antigovernment activist, was tried and convicted of the bombing.
But to Americans everywhere, the story has remained a mystery,
held hostage by McVeigh's refusal to explain or even discuss the
event and his involvement.
With this book, that mystery is solved.
American Terrorist will change, unmistakably and permanently, our
understanding of the crime. This book a powerful work of
journalism and a uniquely American story, American Terrorist will
help bring closure, once and for all, to a wound left too long
open in our national psyche.